Thursday 18 December 2008


Our existing economic system has reached the point where it has lost all credibility. As Dan W says on the "ashes ashes all fall down" blog, in his article brand new disbelief system is born :

If a system lacks credibility, if people don’t believe in it, than they will not participate in that system....once trust has eroded beyond the point of repair, there is no chance of resuscitation. Either the system has to be thrown out and a new system has to take its place, or the citizens of the system have to be compelled by force and repression to accept the old way of doing things. This is where we stand today. Belief in the credibility of our economy has been summarily destroyed.

This excellent article goes on to say:

..this new belief system bases its spiritual and intellectual foundations upon the idea of disbelief! The leaders of the world---both political and financial---have, through their decades of theft and duplicity and lies, given birth to a new paradigm: the paradigm of disbelief. And it is this new paradigm, this new DIS-belief system if you will, that makes trust in then old way of doing things totally impossible.

It predicts the total collapse of the US economy, listing detailed reasoning for this. Well, I am writing from a European perspective, and I have to say that it is not just the US economy that faces total collapse, but the entire global economy: the US does not have a monopoly on greed and deceit, and in any case the US economy remains the keystone of the global economy. As has long been said, "when the US catches sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold".

The global financial system is a giant confidence trick: it depends 100% on the confidence of its participants. That confidence has now evaporated, and it will not return. The emperor was always naked, but now we are starting to trust the evidence of our own eyes - the emperor has no clothes. We may be duped into other scams, but we will not fall for this one again.

Trust in the old structures will not recover: rather, distrust will spread. Where can we turn to when our overlords and their systems of commerce and government have utterly failed us? We can only turn to each other, as human beings. This "new paradigm of disbelief" will morph into the real new paradigm of cooperation and collaboration, sharing and community. We must build our new world from the ground up.

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