Friday 6 March 2009

full steam ahead

People who are paying attention are seeing our governments deliberately wrecking our "civilization" through rewarding greed, corruption, deceit, and ineptitude, while penalizing those citizens who have been responsible and prudent. We are watching our "leaders" print shed-loads of money and hand it all to their rich and incompetent banker and business cronies, so they can continue to eat caviar and drink champagne aboard their yachts. Many are asking "How long are we going to let the government play this game?".

Well, I don't think there is anything we can do. We are on board the Titanic. It is heading straight for the iceberg, The captain is holding his course, and setting full steam ahead. His crew are organized to prevent us storming the bridge. They are handing out some lifeboats, but only the rich are allowed on board. The rest of us should focus on getting ready to leave our bodies and prepare for the next life, which, our karma should ensure, will be better.

This is a metaphor - I am not saying we are all going to die imminently, but our way of life is about to end, and we should focus on that.

Getting involved in our local communities still makes sense - we can change things at the local level - indeed we have to - but at the national and global levels, forget it - the whole rotten carcass is beyond repair. Let it rot.

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